Natursten – er det vi mestrer bedst…
Historien om E. Nielsen
E. Nielsens mekaniske Stenhuggeri A/S er grundlagt i 1797 og repræsenterer mere end 200 års erfaring med natursten. Vores team med indehaver Ole Grage som 4. generation stenhugger er specialister indenfor projektmarkedet og levering af specialopgaver, og råder endvidere over skæreri og egenproduktion på adressen nær København.
Medarbejderne har stor kompetence indenfor løsning af projektopgaver med fokus på bæredygtighed, funktionskrav og totaløkonomi. Gennem et veludbygget netværk og direkte kontakter til stenbrud over hele verden, forestår vi både store og små leverancer af kvalitetsmaterialer i natursten.
The history about E. Nielsen
E. Nielsen mechanical Stone Masonry was founded in 1797 and represents more than 200 years of experience with natural stone. Our team with owner Ole Grage, who himself is 4th. generation of the company are specialists in the project market and the supply of special tasks to all kind of projects. We have a fully equipped workshop and our own production facilities at our address near Copenhagen in Denmark.
All employees have extensive competence, experience, and knowledge in solving project tasks with a focus on sustainability, functional requirements, and overall economics. Through a well-developed network and direct contacts to natural stone factories all over the world, we carry out both small and large supplies of quality materials in natural stone to the construction industry.
Industriholmen 21, 2650 Hvidovre, Danmark
Tlf.: 7020 1797
CVR: 18105632
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